Time Without Edges

This poem expresses my sense of time since I have retired from an 8-5 job. It has been reinforced by COVID. I only venture out of the house to buy groceries and to pick up take out food. While I stay busy these days with this new business, my time is my own in a new way.

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Time Without Edges

Time without edges
         washing over
without boundaries
An ocean of rhythm
Marked only by … a familiar coastline of
daytime and moontime
Passing through
A glimpse of
centuries past
future forms
punctuated nows
Churning together
Undistinguishable except for the edges of the shore
From one now to another
Not anchored
I’m floating through.

Rev Paulette Robinson, PhD

Rev Paulette Robinson, PhD has been a contemplative shamanic practitioner for over 20 years. She is dedicated to the energetic healing, integration and well-being of her clients. She also works as a writer, teacher as well as a spiritual, elder and life coach. She has a Master’s degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Hawaii. Her PhD is in adult education. She is a graduate of the 2-year Apprenticeship Program with the Guild for Spiritual Guidance. She is a trained certified facilitator in Individual, Family and Organizational Systemic Constellations. She has completed her certificate in past-life regression hypnosis with Atlantic University. Finally, She is an appointed minister with the Circle for the Sacred Earth.


Esoteric Acupuncture Part Two


What is Esoteric Acupuncture Anyway?